The News

"You can't change the world, but you can fuck with its head."
--Bill Young

These aren't so much "I updated my page today by putting in a hyphen" as they are me ranting, raving, or rambling.
Choose your poison:

The Old New (5/97 to 9/97)
The tattoo one was pretty funny.

The New New (10/97-1/98)
You'll never walk into a record store again without wondering what the employees will say when you leave.

The Newest New (1/98-9/98)
Bill recycles his email, this time in Earnest. Earnest doesn't like that much.

The Newer than the Newest New, being the New that is the Most Newest of the Previous News, and, in Being So, Would Likely Make Your Head Spin so Hard Your Skull Could Wrench Clean Off at the Neck if it were Just That Little Bit more New (9/98-4/99)
It's new.

What, you bought into that crap?? That stuff's not new! Now, THIS---THIS is NEW! (4/99-5/99)
He's lying! Don't listen to him! It's all lies, I tell you, lies!!!

(wanders down a major city street, talking to himself)
"New...too many new...New is bad. Old is this hamburger sandwich patty I found behind the MacDonalds. The CIA stole my brain. And they won't give it back! HEY, BUDDY! SPARE A DOLLAR? C'MON! IT'S JUST A DOLLAR!! mumble, mumble damn Stupid Humans, eatin' up all my bandwidth...Fillin' up the Geocities hard-drives...Ooh, Look! A deposit can! There IS a Gourd!" (5/99-6/99)

My tolerance to my medication grows.

What, am I supposed to write something funny here? Screw you, buster. (6/99-7/99)
What he said!

They grow up so fast!
It seems like just yesterday it was a tiny baby New, only 4K big, all bursting with the promise of Youth!
Now it just sits on its big fat ass eating Cheetos and hogging the remote. (7/99)

Hey, ain't there even one fuckin channel showin Springer?!

Dumber, Stupid Human! Shawt! Shawt! (8/99)
Now begins the Kill Kill era.

Chewy Newgat Center (9/99)
Filled with creamy newey goodness, New10 really satisfies!

Fresh as New-Mown HEY! (9/99-10/99)
Will the yada yada yada ever cease?

Yada yada yada yada yada yada.... (10/99-11/99)
Evidentally not.

More Crap (11/99-12/99)
Truth in Advertising.

No More Damn Titles for these things! (12/99-1/00 )
I mean it!

Untitled Normal Page (1/00-2/00)

Nessuna Pagina Normale Di Titolo (2/00)

New 17 (2/00-3/00)

New 18 (3/00)

New 19 (4/00)

New 20 (4/00-5/00)

New 21 (5/00-6/3/00)

New 22 (The Vacation, Plus 1)

New 23 (6/16/00-9/25/00)
Wherein it updated a lot, then stopped updating for 2 months, then started up in renewed fervor all over again

New 24 (9/00-10/00)

New 25 (10/00-11/00)

New 26 (11/00)

New 27 (11/00-12/00)

New 28 (12/00-1/01)

New 29 (1/01)

New 30 (1/01-2/01)

New 31 (2/01-3/01)

New 32 (3/01-4/01)

New 33 (4/01)

New 34 (4/01-5/01)

New 35 (5/01-6/01)

New 36 (6/01-8/01)

New 2.0 (8/01-9/01)
Now begins the era

New 2.1 (9/01)
Things Fall Apart

New 2.2 (9/01-10/01)
Earth Will Abide

New 2.3 (10/01-11/01)
Like the Longines Symphonette, it doesn't rest

New 2.4 (11/01-12/01)
Why did these things start getting titles again?

New 2.5 (12/01)

New 2.6 (1/02)

New 2.7 (2/02)

New 2.8 (3/02)

New 2.9 (4/02)

New 3.0 (5/02)

New 3.1
What I Did On My Summer Vacation, 2002 Edition

New 3.2 (6/02)

New 3.3 (7/02)

New 3.4 (8/02)

New 3.5 (9/02)

New 3.6 (10/02)

New 3.7 (11/02)

New 3.8 (12/02)

New 3.9 (1/03)

New 4.0 (2/03)

New 4.1 (3/03)

New 4.2 (4/03)

New 4.3 (5/03)

New 4.4 (6/03)

New 4.5 (7/03)

New 4.6 (8/03)
...And Byron Makes Three

New 4.7 (9/03)

New 4.8 (10/03)

New 4.9 (11/03)

New 5.0 (12/03)

Let's Face It, No Matter How I Number It, It's Really New 68 (1/04)

New 69 (2/04)

New 70 (3/04)

New 71 (4/04-5/04)

New 72 (6/04)

New 73 (7/04)

New 74 (8/04)

New 75 (9/04)

New 76 (10/04)

New 77 (11/04)

New 78 (12/04)

New 79 (1-2/05)

New 80 (3-4/05)

New 81 (5-6/05)

New 82 (7-9/05)

New 83 (Autumn 05)

New 84 (Winter 05)

New 85 (Spring 06)

New 86 (Summer 06)

New 87 (Autumn 06)

New 88 (Winter 06)

New 89 (Spring 07)

New 90 (Summer 07)

New 91 (Autumn 07)

New 92 (Winter 08)

New 93 (Spring 08)

New 94 (Summer 08)

New 95 (Autumn 08)

New 96 (Winter 09)

New 97 (Spring 09)

New 98 (Summer 09)
Now Begins the DJ Era

New 99 (Autumn 09)

New 100 (Winter 10)

New 101 (Spring 10)

New 102 (Summer 10)

New 103 (Autumn 10)

New 104 (Winter 11)

New 105 (Spring 11)

New 105 (Spring 11)

New 106 (Summer 11)

New 107 (Autumn 11)

New 108 (Winter 12)

New 109 (Spring 12)

New 110 (Summer 12)

New 111 (Autumn 12)

New 112 (Winter 13)

New 113 (Spring 13)

New 114 (Summer 13)

New 115 (Autumn 13)

New 116 (Winter 14)

New 117 (Spring 14)

New 118 (Summer 14)

New 119 (Autumn 14)

New 120 (Winter 15)

New 121 (Spring/Summer 15)

New 122 (Autumn 15)

