Byron in August, Xmas in January


Jess is making a very good fake smile here. If you look closely at little Byron, he's playfully clawing her hand and gnawing her knuckles. "C'mon, take the picture!" she said through the pain.

In the background:
Closet full of junk, including the board games "Bermuda Triangle," "The Six Million Dollar Man," and "Marlin Perkins' Wild Kingdom."
Mirror-picture based on David Bowie's "Heroes."
Home-made clock based on a melted 45 of Barry Manilow's "I Made It Through the Rain." But not the fire, hahaha!
Weather thingie.
Old Penthouse magazine rack; visible are Cool & Strange Music!, Zody the Mod Rob, and a 1937 Life.
Flag with a beer mug, and directly above Jessie's head, an Xmas ornament she made for me.
Less than half of the CD collection; behind it, a promo Tribble for the Deep Space 9 episode sitting in a Far Side Godzilla "I 8 NY" mug.
Standee for the band Baby Animals, a Tinkle Tot (a very short-lived toy: they were naked children that pee'd from their weenies), a man flushing himself down a toilet with the inscription "Goodbye, Cruel World!"
8 tracks.

A scan of a photo. In the original, Jessica is not orange. Everything else is pretty much the same color as the photo. Weird, but also the start of a trend.


Next is her daughter Jacqueline. It's an amusing picture, seeing how excited she is to hold Byron. It was her idea to come visit, just to see him (she's only lived with grown cats, not kittens). It's also amusing on how she really isn't sure how to hold him. Your reaction to the scan might be--

--"My GOD, get that kid to the hospital! She's got JAUNDICE!"

There is yellow on her face in the photo (from her shirt and because it was taken in bright sun with a flash), but nothing like this.

In the background:
A bench and an aptly-labeled box used for kitty snoozing.
My Pee Wee's Playhouse shirt and Chuck Taylors.
A fraction of the DVDs and books ("Big Book of Tomorrow" by Tom Tomorrow in foreground), and a Talking Ed Grimley doll.


A toy embedded in "Hand poured glycerin soap" (ie, made in China). The unintentional joke is that it's a "Bush Baby," and it's covering its bush!
Or maybe that it's named Bush, and it's a pig. With a bib, all ready to feast at the trough of pork.

Actual toy is on a yellow card brighter than Jacqueline's face. There's a good chance this scanner is being returned.


Placed here as even I look good after a pig pawing its crotch.

Again with the skin conditions! I fare the best of all in these pictures, but I'm not really blushing here.

In the background:
Two plants Byron would later kill.
A Casio, a Gang of Four-era Stalin silkscreen, a plastic lawn flamingo, "Stupid White Men" by Moore.
Toddler-sized Ed Grimley Halloween costume, MIB.
3 of the 5 Lava Lamps, most of the bowling trophies (not won by me), cardboard air guitars, an unlit string of Xmas lights, and various oddities, including a Rubik's Earth.
Ever feel like you were living on Rubik's Earth? I do sometimes.

A FRIDGE MAGNET, another gift

I totally agree!

Hey, they spelled it wrong!
They left out the "p"!
