Friday 1
      Make up new words for everything and when people ask you what you're talking about throw a dictionary at their heads.

      Saturday 2
      Mozart composed his first opera at the age of four. How's yours coming?

      Sunday 3
      Don't walk anywhere you can crawl to.

      Monday 4
      Ride your mower to work today, wear a helmet.

      Tuesday 5
      Never run as fast as you can for over three hours.

      Wednesday 6
      Space Ghost cereal...Hmmmm, I like the concept. It could turn white in milk.

      Thursday 7
      Today is Thursday. Avoid People.

      Friday 8
      If you must have sidekick, make sure he brings out the best in you, not vice-versa.

      Saturday 9
      Make guests comfortable. Engage them with open-ended questions. Dismiss them politlely when you're finished with them.

      Sunday 10
      Devote your life to collecting trampolines.

      Monday 11
      Give genorously when you can do it in a very public way.

      Tuesday 12
      Share bad ideas with your boss.
      Share good ideas with his (her) boss.

      Wednesday 13
      Isn't it funny that you park in your driveway and drive on the parkway? I mean, who makes up these words.

      Thursday 14
      Yoo-hoo, Nike! It's Space Ghost. I may still be available to you.

      Friday 15
      Not now dear, I'm flossing.

      Saturday 16
      I will refuse my superhero services to anyone who routinely uses the term, "been there, done that."

      Sunday 17
      I command you not to look on the next page until tomorrow.

      Monday 18
      Hey-I thought I commanded you not to look.

      Tuesday 19
      You must go to the store today to buy butter and cheese.

      Wednesday 20
      You know, we almost made fruitcakes for everyone instead of calendars but we couldn't get that pilot light going.

      Thursday 21
      Don't be overly charmed by those with English or Australian accents.

      Friday 22
      The key in entertainment is to appeal to the lowest common denominator; but don't make it obvious.

      Saturday 23
      On the Ghost Planet, all seasons come at once. The rest of the year is quiet, mostly.

      Sunday 24
      Happy Holidays to all earth fanatics that get them. Superheroes don't get holidays.

      Monday 25 Merry Christmas!
      Peace on Earth and the moon and the Ghost Planet and the moons of the Ghost Planet and on Mercury and on Pluto and on the seven moons of Pluto, and on Saturn, and its moons of course, and on all the other planets floating around. Good will towards men and other beings.

      Tuesday 26
      What was with Daniel Boone and that hat, I mean, was it that cold?

      Wednesday 27
      Here's hoping your particular holiday plant life is still green and non-fire causing.

      Thursday 28
      From high up people look like ants. Ants just look like themselves.

      Friday 29

      stupid questions and there
      incorrect answers. Now let's move this meeting along.

      Saturday 30
      The clotting blood of the ancients dropped by. They wanted me to tell you, "Hi!"

      Sunday 31 New Year's Eve
      Happy New Year! Out with the old, in with the new! Send all your old money to Space Ghost to make room for all the new money that will come in this year. Also, if you have any old wine, we'll take that off your hands.

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