Everything I need to know About Life, I learnt from GONTERMAN!!! 'Robot women are better than real women: they give you Clinton jobs whenever you want' 'There are no real genders' 'Making comics doesn't take any major skill' 'If you like something, you'll like the rip-off a million times better' 'A huge ego gets all the ladies hot' 'EVERYONE has a mullet' 'Those damn fags will ruin yer life!' 'Behold...the power of CHEESE' 'If you take your work off the internet, people will forget all about you' 'People NEVER forgive and forget' 'It's best if all the characters in your story think just like you' 'Make sure your story makes your opinions VERY clear' 'Improving your art style is for wimps' 'All African American history teachers are evil Afro-centrists' 'Guns fire eggs and don't need triggers' 'Girls randomly fall from the sky at any time...' 'And you can catch them without fearing kinetic energy's effects!' 'You're NEVER too old to watch Sailor Moon' 'If you are mocked for having a character that rips off a famous character, simply add traits from other famous characters to disguise your guilt' 'Copyrights are bad' 'The fourth wall is for losers' 'Never finish anything' 'MST3K fans are pure evil' 'As are Sailor Moon fans' 'When learning that a group really isn't angry at you and doesn't want to ruin your life, it's a good idea to piss them off' 'Don't even get me started on Sonic the Hedgehog fans...' 'Ken Penders = Satan' 'Shading is for pussies' 'Muscle tone isn't important' 'Illegally downloading music is benefitial to musicians' 'One boob is always bigger than the other' 'Little dolly legs and linebacker shoulders = HAWT' 'People who hate you for having an ego are suffering from big egos' 'When in doubt, get angry' 'The Fox network is the ultimate in valuable culture' 'Ken Penders = Satan. I had to say it twice due to its importance' 'Fur makes everthing more attractive' 'If fans of a series hate you for offensive fanfiction, it's the fault of the series' 'Buttons and switches are the same thing' 'Fanart doesn't even have to look like the characters' 'Threats of school shootings are appropriate in any discussion' 'Losers will eventually get all the chicks' 'When you use a robotic female as a sex slave in stories, it's the fault of her programmers and not you, the creator' 'Nothing is ever your fault, period' 'Bandwagon jumping is a-okay, even if it contradicts stuff you said before or only serves to stroke your ego' 'Adding half-understood Japanese words/phrases you learned from watching fansubbed anime to your work makes it cooler' 'Don't ever let proofreading and plot get in the way of a good story' 'Do Beastly' Fictional characters can and will approve of your actions against their fans.''