Week of 1/2/00:


I Need A Twelve-Step Program

"My name is Bill--and I'm InExObsessed."

(group): "HI, BILL!"

"I didn't know I had a problem at first...I'd just come across all this goofy crap. Now, I can't even go grocery shopping without finding InExObjects."

(group): "Admitting you have a problem is the first step, Bill!"

"Great. Only eleven more steps to go then.
I admit it. This sign was on the child seat part of a shopping cart, and, yes, I took out a penknife and unscrewed it from the cart. sob! I'm stealing signs off of grocery carts now!"

(group): "Give in to a Higher Power, Bill!"

"Stop interrupting me!"

"By the Spring of '02, all the apartments should come equipped with roofs! Ha ha ha!"

"Just take it One Ob at a Time, Bill!"

"Shut up!"

Inexplicable Link of the Week

"Why should we click on that, Bill?"

"Will you people just GO AWAY!"

Objects from Previous Weeks

Objects from Previous Weeks

©2000 Bill Young

"You'll never get your 30 Days Sober coin with that attitude, Bill."