Week of 6/11/00:

WEEK 113

Chez Isidore

Chez Is A Bore

Man, and to think that I made fun of til TV-bal pa Kroen. At least the old bald men and old fat women on that record cover were enjoying themselves. Everybody here looks like they've signed up for the Bataan Death March and Hoe-Down. I particularly like the woman plopped down in the rocking chair, who's either utterly enraptured or mentally composing a grocery list.
The only person having fun is Izzy himself, as he dances his magic dance of joy with his invisible friend Mr. Blinky.

The best part is the back of the LP, which shows the Backstreet Boys of 1961 Quebec:

Good News, Ladies!

Their American cousin had a musical part in Deliverance

They're Available!!

Inexplicable Link of the Week

I Wove Cate's Garage Sale Finds!

Objects from Previous Weeks

Objects from Previous Weeks

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